DoggyRade for pets now available! Help keep your pets hydrated and healthy with DoggyRade Isotonic drinks - DoggyRade, fast hydration for all dogs, DoggyRade Pro, an isotonic drink for dogs for use in veterinary clinics and YummyRade, a tasty, low-calorie meal enhancer for cats and dogs. ![DoggyRade hydration packs for cats and dogs]()
DoggyRade Hydration
DoggyRade is an isotonic drink that increases fluid intake, helping your dogs to rehydrate quickly after exercise.Dogs tend to lose fluids and electrolytes through exercise, but losing too much fluid can lead to dehydration. DoggyRade is refreshing, energy-boosting and chicken flavoured, so dogs will love it. It encourages fast hydration in dogs, to replace what the dogs have lost through exercise.
- Low calorie
- Low fat
- Boosts health and well-being
- Gluten free
- Formulated by vets
DoggyRade Pro Hydration
DoggyRade Pro is an isotonic rehydration drink for dogs, for use in veterinary clinics helping dogs recover from intestinal disorders.
- Low calorie
- Low fat
- Gluten free
- Supports gastrointestinal health
- Contains amino acids, prebiotics and balanced electrolytes
- Formulated by vets
YummyRade Hydration
YummyRade is a tasty, low-calorie meal enhancer for cats and dogs. It provides a flavour boost that encourages your pet to eat dry or tasteless food.
- Chicken flavour
- Low calorie
- Low fat
- Grain free
- Contains prebiotics to support good health
- Adds a flavour burst to your pets meal
Find out more by visiting the
DoggyRade website or shop the range now!